Jericho's Story

A Common Man for a Common Cause

A student of economics  and history I have always sought to understand  the world in which I live. After differing college to care for my ailing grandmother I continued my education on my own listening  to lectures while wrangling carts and working nights as a custodian.

    Growing up as a conservative in deep blue Muskegon forced me to argue for my values from a liberal position. "If you want to talk about your social programs then you are going to need strong boarders to make them work." 

    Born into a family of soldiers and farmhands I learned the value of hard work and dedication to community, country, and family. In addition a lack of financial stability in my childhood fostered a first hand experience of hardship and instilled a strong frugal intuition for stretching a budget. 

    For years I have seen the conduct of slack-legged politicians carrying themselves with an air of superiority to the very people they were elected to represent. It is for this elitist attitude that I have chosen to take a stand against the country-club Republicans and wall street Democrats, in an effort revitalize the Republican party's roots as the party of the working man, and to push the Democrats to expel the 40 years of rot within theirs.

    At some point, most likely after the Reagan administration, we the conservative members of this nation grew complacent. We forgot that in order to preserve the gains we had made, we needed to stay proactive. In the past few decades all the Republicans we have sent not only to Washington but to Lansing and our local offices have merely resisted the advances of the Democrats. However this has proved insufficient. When ever the Democrats have managed to take the reigns of power they push forward with their own agenda. Our resistance only delays their march not reverses it. The time has come to elect a new generation of Republican. It is high time that we started making progress on or own agendas, and for the first time in a generation strive for an America which we could truly call great.

There are only two parties, the party of the common man, and the party of the Politician.

"My guiding light is the principal of federalism, for it is only by trusting the citizenry to live their lives and take charge of their communities, that they might one day trust their nation."

    I am well aware of the unremarkable nature of the life I have lead thus far. However, I believe that this has given me a deep understanding of what the average man struggles with on a daily basis, and I simply refuse to accept that Washington has no place for the working man. It is my hope to serve as a voice for the forgotten man and if elected I will dedicate my self to representing not only the political will of the district but the merit of the common man to both the congress and nation alike.

"If elected I vow to be the least important of my constituents,

I vow to listen to all in my district regardless of their support for me,

and I will strive to restore the faith of the downtrodden."

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