Let's Get


on Track

Jericho Gonzales is a working man with a passion for learning, and a personal insight into the struggles of the common citizen. Self educated in constitutional law, foreign affaires, civics and economics he has developed a deep insight into the inner workings (or lack thereof) of our society. His core beliefs are rooted in a dedication to God and a call to serve as a steward to his creation.  Having seen the rot at the core of the Republican party he has seen it necessary to oust the old guard and promote true conservatism by daring to offer meaningful pushback against the Democrats and the Republican establishment. In his words "We have got to stop merely holding the line, The time for defense is over. We have got to start taking back the field before the whole country is lost."

It's time for new voices in Washington

"We find ourselves at the precipice of a new age, and now more than ever we must find the courage to fight for the preservation of our values."


Where We've Gone Wrong

Our nation was founded under a set of circumstances so rare that it might be considered a miracle. Many of the greatest thinkers in history sat down in single hallroom in Philadelphia to craft a document meant to establish a form of government that would restrict their ability to abuse that power. For more than a century now we have seen the congress and the office of the president dismantle that original design. They have erected mini dictatorships such as the EPA, the IRS, and the Department of Education. The time has come to reverse this long trend and restore this nation to its proper constitutional form.  It is only then that our government can fulfill its constitutional duty to "secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity". 

Why I'm Running

Fighting the RINOs

The quality of the Republicans this state elevates to office, local or otherwise, leaves little to satisfy and everything to desire. it begs the question, why are we Republicans? I can't speak for you but when I ask myself that question I know the answer.

I am a Republican because I am a working man who knows what it means to scrape together a living with my own two hands. I am a Republican because I believe that every human life has value, regardless of race, creed, sex, or on what side of the womb you happen to fall. I am a Republican for the same reason that Jefferson and Madison where Federalists, I believe that Liberty must be defended, not only for our own sake but also our children's.

But when I look to our present representation on both the National and State levels I seldom see anyone willing to come to the defense of our liberties. Instead we are burdened with cowards and hypocrites. Our "set it and forget it" attitude has left us with false friends for politicians. Men and women who cow tow to the establishment and only nod to their constituents whenever it is politically convenient to do so.

I ask you this. What good is experience without application? What good is action when it is only symbolic? I personally would much rather stand for something when it's liable to make a difference, rather than vote for something only when I know the party will support me. The party is trash, and we know it. That is why it is up to us, the patriotic base, to take it back. We have got to start asking in what direction we would like our party to go. Deeper into the intrenched establishment, or out onto the battlefield? 

This is our fight. This is our responsibility.

Join me.

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